Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19.14
Welcome to our page for Children and Family activities across
Beccles Parish
Children of all ages are welcome and an important part of the life of the church across the parish.
We recognise that children are very much the church of today therefore we have groups that we hope offer children of all ages the opportunity of learning and worshipping in a way that is relevant and exciting for them.
Whether you are a long standing church family, have been away from church for a while or have never set foot in a church before, we would love to have the privilege of welcoming you and your children!
Our hope is that all Beccles Parish children will come to know God’s love and purposes for them and have a place to belong in a caring community.

Our Staff Team take regular assemblies / Collective Worship in all our local schools. At different times of the year we also welcome children and staff into the church buildings to celebrate festivals and events.
OPEN THE BOOK offers a programme of themed and dramatised Bible stories with each session lasting around 10-15 minutes. We have an Open the Book team that share Bible Stories once a month in some of our schools.
Our team of volunteer storytellers use drama, mime, props, costume – even the children and staff themselves – to present Bible stories in ways that are lively, engaging, informative … and great fun for everyone involved!
Through OPEN THE BOOK, children in schools have the opportunity during Collective Worship to discover all the wonder and wisdom that the Bible can offer!
We are proud to partner with our church school in Worlingham. The Staff Team are regularly involved in collective worship and curriculum based activities, several members of our congregations serve on the governing body.
The school vision demonstrates the 6 key values as well as other, ‘underpinning’ values. Along with a bible quote based on Psalm 1:3, it also shows our overarching vision – for children to have Massive Minds, Huge Hearts, and to be Guided by God.